Monday, March 30, 2009

An eye-opening 1949 TV commercial from Camel cigarettes. Makes you wonder what other products we are blindly supporting in the present day, without knowledge on their full effects on our health?

The following is taken from Dr. Mercola's website newsletter: CLICK ON THIS PINK LINK TO SEE IT. Dr. Mercola publishes The World’s Most Popular Natural Health Newsletter, and you can subscribe to it free at his website. He publishes several articles weekly, and sends them right to your e-mail "Inbox" 2 times a week.

"Today we look at it as obvious that smoking is not a particularly healthy behavior. This change in perception didn’t come about until 1957, when then-Surgeon General Leroy Burney reported a 'causal link' between smoking and lung cancer.

But here’s a fact that may surprise you: an English physician by the name of Charles R. Drysdale actually issued a report confirming the dangers of smoking long before that … in 1878! And Drysdale had reportedly been on an anti-smoking crusade since at least 1864, the same year he published a study showing that tobacco could cause jaundice, 'distressing palpitations of the heart,' and other health issues in young men. He even wrote a book explaining the negative impact nicotine could have on your lungs, circulation system, and skin … and also warned people about the risks of second-hand smoke.

Yet as is so common when a health truth is first reported, it is often ridiculed or ignored entirely, and that is what happened to Drysdale’s work. It took nearly a century for people to accept the idea that smoking could be harmful.

Perhaps the biggest mistake is the reliance on pharmaceutical drugs to treat everything from cancer to the common cold, while the underlying reasons why these diseases occur in the first place are completely ignored. There is a surprising lack of knowledge in conventional medicine when it comes to the basic tenets of health, things like proper nutrition, exercise and emotional health, and the massive impact they have on your ability to thrive. All too often the primary focus is on the treatment of disease and relieving symptoms with dangerous and expensive drugs. Meanwhile, the side effects are often dismissed . Little to no attention is paid to optimizing normal healing systems your body has to recover and repair from just about any disease.There are many other errors in judgment going on as well.

Evidence is emerging that RADIATION from CELL PHONES, cell phone towers and other WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES is a REAL HEALTH RISK, yet in the United States public officials continue to assure us they’re safe. In fact the cellular phone threat may be the closest analogy to the tobacco issue in contemporary medicine. Although physicians are not going on TV promoting cell phones, their deafening silence on this important health threat speaks very loudly about their awareness of this health risk. (Please see my BLOG on: Cell Phone EMF (Electro-Magnetic Frequencies)

Similarly, health officials have frightened people into avoiding sunlight to avoid skin cancer, and in so doing have raised the risk of numerous chronic diseases in these people because many are now deficient in vitamin D.

Who Can You Trust When it Comes to Your Health? That is a question only you can answer, but I encourage you to not blindly trust anyone. Your health is too important. Dig a little bit deeper and you may find what appeared trustworthy on the surface may not be so right after all, especially if it came from a source deeply entrenched in the conventional medical system. Remember that even well-accepted health “truths” can turn out to be wrong, and those that are ridiculed can be right. So keep an open mind and, above all else, be your own best ally when it comes to deciding what’s best for your health." -- Dr. Joseph Mercola

I highly value Dr. Mercola's information he provides to the public, it is the number one way I find myself being able to keep track of my own health, of health studies and of health findings. However, as Dr. Mercola tells us to never blindly trust one person, I also read many other natural health newsletters, books, magazines, and articles, along with consulting my Master Herbalist with any questions I have. I feel this to be most effective in keeping me in check with my own health.

Health in Christ,


******None of the above statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All of the information in this BLOG is strictly for educational purposes. This BLOG should not be used to treat, diagnose, or prescribe for a condition you feel you may have. If you have any health concerns, you should see a competent practitioner. ******

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