Thursday, April 9, 2009

Going Beyond the Commercialization of EASTER

It is often difficult to separate ourselves from the commercial version of Easter, especially with having children. Plastic eggs, dyeable eggs, Cadbury Eggs, hallow chocolate rabbits, marshmallow "Peeps", baby chicks, baskets, bonnets, and of course the mother of all Easter festivities: the Easter Bunny himself! None of these have been overlooked as big sellers in the commercial market scene, in fact, most of these are EXPECTED to be a part of Easter.

So my question is this: What altered our focus of Easter being a meaningful holiday involving a Savior suffering a horrific death to give us eternal life, to one of a brightly-colored sugar fest? Sure, maybe it's fun to add a little "colorful egg and rabbit" side of Easter in, but does it necessarily HAVE to be at the expense of the originally intended meaning? Our daughters USUALLY set up an egg hunt of some sort, USUALLY dye eggs as an art project, but if this doesn't end up's not a big deal! They DO KNOW that they will ALWAYS go to church with their family on Easter and they will always read/receive a Christian Easter book on this day with/from their parents. No matter if we celebrate Easter with relatives, or we celebrate Easter with bunnies and eggs, I pray that we won't lose sight of the true meaning amongst all of the others.

If anyone else has a meaningful way to celebrate the Christian side of Easter, please leave it in the comments section below by clicking on "Comments". Our family is always looking for more good ideas to use and share.

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